Thursday, September 5, 2013

K-town, baby!

Next stop....Kaiserslautern, Germany.  Kaiserslautern, (affectionately referred to as K-town) is a German city that houses all of the American military that are stationed at Ramstein, Kaiserslautern and acts as a temporary housing unit for those stationed in Germany or receiving medical attention in Ramstein.  Its basically an American city in Germany.  No one speaks German, all of the menus are in English and they serve pasta everywhere.

When in the Force.

I visited my friend Tyler, a fighter pilot in the US Airforce for two days.  It was lazy and awesome...just  what I needed after a 5 day binge on Apfelwein.

Emily and, whats up with my hair.  Awesome.
For dinner we went to was super American.  The boys all ordered pasta and I ordered risotto.  When it came out, it was white rice smothered in goulash.  Hilarious...and not really risotto at all. It was good though and at least I was consuming vegetables for the second time this month.

The boys also ordered a hooka with watermelon flavored tobacco.  I'm not a smoker at all, but it smelled so good I had to indulge and actually was a little disappointed that we left to play bar trivia before it was finished.

Ty's Air Force doctor buddies
OMG, OMG, OMG.  They had pretzel buns for breakfast.  I ate it both days.  Nothing else, just pretzel buns.  This was the best meal I had in K-town, LOL.

So, I was still super craving vegetables after my accidental goulashing and decided to order a salad for lunch. What I received was a plate of dressing with some lettuce hidden beneath.  I'm not going to say it was bad because the flavor of the dressing was actually delicious, but I couldn't eat it all because I was grossed out by the amount of fat I was digesting disguised as a "healthy" meal.  So, I topped it off with an order of French Fries.  I am such a fatty.

After all of the horrible hair photos I have been posting lately, I decided to actually put in a little effort and do my hair today.  Its pretty much the best hair day I have ever had.  It was time to walk to the train....

Motherfucker, its raining and the 10 min walk to the train station left me looking as if I had been anti-trying.  What a waste of time.  FML, why bother?

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