Monday, January 13, 2014

Missed connections - Sydney edition

So, I think I saw my future husband today. I was coming up the escalators at central station and he was going down them. We smiled at each other and looked away sheepishly then continued on our ways. Approximately 2 seconds later, we both turned around for a second glance.

He was super cute and equally embarrassed at being caught. What happened next had the makings of an amazing love story...

Since romantic comedies have pretty much fucked up all of our perceptions of reality I went against my better judgement of hopping over the rail and introducing myself thinking he would do it (white knight style as Hollywood has trained us to think is actually possible).

He didn't. 

I exited as slow as possible so that he would have time to run down the escalator and up the other one and catch me before I left the station...but, again, he didn't. 

Hollywood has warped me to think that maybe he would just assume I was going to the park for lunch and find me there... Possibly with a ham and cheese toastie...He didn't. 

Love story ruined. Thanks a lot Hollywood. Another dream crushed...another potential husband passed by... I only have 2 days left, how will he find me now?

The bright side:
At least I got to enjoy sunning in the park while I waited. 

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